Brenner BR20 Lochschaft 308Win. M15x1

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Brenner BR20 Lochschaft 308Win. M15x1
After the first Side by Side, Over and Under and Semi-automatic Shotgun of Turkey, ATA Arms now proudly presents the First Bolt Action Rifle of Turkey:
TURQUA 100% Turkish-made TURQUA is another engineering innovation from Turkey’s leading firearms manufacturer. Turqua is distinguished from the other bolt action rifles with its 3-stage safety and 2-stage adjustable trigger.
Turqua’s 60-degree bolt lift is shorter (compared to typical 90-degree bolt throw) that allows faster loading on follow-up shots. The free-floating feature maintains barrel to stock spacing for consistent accuracy. SUB-MOA at 3 shots is guaranteed with this button-rifled barrel.
The ergonomic stock made of selected Turkish Walnut is designed for accurate and comfortable shooting. All these features make TURQUA one of the best value on the global market.